Hina-Matsuri ひな祭り

>> Wednesday, March 3, 2010

ひな祭り(Hina-Matsuri) is a Japanese festival which is held on March 3rd every year. This is a day to pray for young girl's growth and happiness. I celebrated the festival with my home stay family and some of their friends. They displayed a set of dolls (Hina-Ningyo) at the corner side of their living room, and i took plenty of photos. This set of dolls is an heirloom of my home-stay family and has been handing down from generation to generation for more than 30 years.

If you are interested to know more about the dolls and history of this festival, please visit here: About Hinamatsuri
p/s: the colors of these pictures doesn't look good after i compressed the file size. If you would like to see more pictures, kindly visit my facebook photo album.


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